Saturday, December 5, 2009

Are you living your dream?
Living the dream started as a joke between myself and a friend. It was one of those days that seemed like an eternal Monday. As we struggled through our workday, I asked her if she was living the life that she imagined herself as living when she was 20.

That brought slightly hysterical laughter from both of us. Our very young, 20 something coworkers, looked at us as if we were a little strange. The answer was obvious, it wasn’t even close. Neither of us felt that our lives were unsatisfying or unhappy we just missed that optimism and belief that we could do anything and the nerve to try it.

That laughter and sharing reframed my thinking and made me really look at what I was doing everyday. I was just meeting the challenges but not adding meaningful content to my life.

This blog is a chronicle of my journey to add joy and dreams to my everyday life, to not let fear stop me from enjoying the adventure of life. Join me and let's discover how we can add meaning every day.


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